C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Windows\64bit>IPMICFG-Win.exe -help IPMICFG Version 1.30.0 (Build 190710) Copyright(c) 2019 Super Micro Computer, Inc. Usage: IPMICFG params (Example: IPMICFG -m -help Display a list of commands. -m Show IP and MAC. -m IP Set IP (format: ###.###.###.###). -a MAC Set MAC (format: ##:##:##:##:##:##). -k Show Subnet Mask. -k Mask Set Subnet Mask (format: ###.###.###.###). -dhcp Get the DHCP status. -dhcp on Enable the DHCP. -dhcp off Disable the DHCP. -g Show Gateway IP. -g IP Set Gateway IP (format: ###.###.###.###). -r BMC cold reset. option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -garp on Enable the Gratuitous ARP. -garp off Disable the Gratuitous ARP. -fd Reset to the factory default. option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -fdl Reset to the factory default. (Clean LAN) option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -fde Reset to the factory default. (Clean FRU & LAN) option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -ver Get Firmware revision. -vlan Get VLAN status. -vlan on <vlan tag> Enable the VLAN and set the VLAN tag. If VLANtag is not given it uses previously saved value. -vlan off Disable the VLAN. -selftest Checking and reporting on the basic health of BMC. -raw Send a RAW IPMI request and print response. Format: NetFn Cmd [Data1 ... DataN] -fru info Show FRU inventory area Info. -fru list Show all FRU values. -fru cthelp Show chassis type code. -fru help Show help of FRU Write. -fru <field> Show FRU field value. -fru <field> <value> Write FRU. -fru backup <file> Backup FRU to file <Binary format>. -fru restore <file> Restore FRU from file <Binary format>. -fru tbackup <file> Backup FRU to file <Text format>. -fru trestore <file> Restore FRU from file <Text format>. -fru ver <v1> <v2> Get/Set FRU version. (v1 v2 are BCD format) -sel info Show SEL info. -sel list Show SEL records. -sel del Delete all SEL records. -sel raw Show SEL raw data. -sdr [full] Show SDR records and reading. -sdr del <sdr id> Delete SDR record. -sdr ver <v1> <v2> Get/Set SDR version. (v1 v2 are BCD format) -nm nmsdr Display NM SDR. -nm seltime Get SEL time. -nm deviceid Get ME Device ID. -nm reset Reboots ME. -nm reset2default Force ME reset to Default. -nm updatemode Force ME to Update Mode. -nm selftest Get Self Test Results. -nm listimagesinfo List ME Images information. -nm oemgetpower OEM Power command for ME. -nm oemgettemp OEM Temp. command for ME. -nm pstate Get Max allowed CPU P-State. -nm tstate Get Max allowed CPU T-State. -nm cpumemtemp Get CPU/Memory temperature. -nm hostcpudata Get host CPU data. -fan Get Fan Mode. -fan <mode> Set Fan Mode. -pminfo [full] Power supply PMBus health. -psfruinfo Power supply FRU health. -psbbpinfo Battery backup power status. -autodischarge Set auto discharge by days. <module> <day> -discharge <module> Manually discharge battery. -user list List user privilege information. -user help Show user privilege code. -user add <user id> Add user. <name> <password> <privilege> -user del <user id> Delete user. -user level <user id> Update user privilege. <privilege> -user setpwd Update user password. <user id> <password> -conf upload <file> Upload IPMI configuration form binary file. <option> option: -p | Bypass warning message. -conf download <file> Download IPMI configuration to binary file. -conf tupload <file> Upload IPMI configuration from text file. <option> option: -p | Bypass warning message. -conf tdownload Download IPMI configuration to text file. <file> -clrint Clear chassis intrusion. -reset <index> Reset System and force to boot from device. -soft <index> Initiate a soft-shutdown for OS and force to boot from device. -ipv6 mode Show IPv6 mode. -ipv6 mode <mode> Set IPv6 mode. -ipv6 autoconfig Show IPv6 auto configuration. -ipv6 autoconfig on Enable IPv6 auto configuration. -ipv6 autoconfig off Disable IPv6 auto configuration. -ipv6 list List IPv6 static address. -ipv6 duid Show IPv6 DUID. -ipv6 dns [IPv6 addr] Get/Set IPv6 DNS server. -ipv6 add <id> Add IPv6 static address. <IPv6 addr> <prefix> -ipv6 remove <id> Remove IPv6 static address. -ipv6 route Display IPv6 static route. -ipv6 route on Enable IPv6 static route. -ipv6 route off Disable IPv6 static route. -ipv6 route list List IPv6 static router info. -ipv6 route <id> Set IPv6 static router information. <prefix value> <prefix length> <IPv6 addr> -ipv6 route clear Clear IPv6 static router information. <id> -nvme list Display the existing NVME SSD list. -nvme info NVME SSD information. -nvme rescan Rescan all devices by in band. -nvme insert <aoc> Insert SSD by out of band. <group> <slot> -nvme locate Locate SSD. (in band) <HDD Name> -nvme locate <aoc> Locate SSD. (out of band) <group> <slot> -nvme stoplocate Stop Locate SSD. (in band) <HDD Name> -nvme stoplocate Stop Locate SSD. (out of band) <aoc> <group> <slot> -nvme remove Remove NVME device. (in band) <HDD Name> [option1] option1: 0 | Do eject after remove (Default). [option2] option1: 1 | Do not eject after remove. option2: -p | Bypass warning message. -nvme remove Remove NVME device. (out of band) <aoc> <group> <slot> option: -p | Bypass warning message. [opiton] -nvme smartdata NVME S.M.A.R.T data. [HDD Name] -tp info Get MCU Info. -tp info <type> Get MCU Type Info. (type: 1 - 3) -tp nodeid Get Node ID. -tas info Get TAS Information. -tas pause Pause TAS Service. -tas resume Resume TAS Service. -tas refresh Trigger TAS to recollect data. -tas clear Clear TAS collected data in BMC. -tas period <sec> Set TAS update period <limit 5 to 60 sec>. -tas exec <cmd> Execute a user's specified command. -summary FW and BIOS Information. -hostname [value] Get/Set host name. -dcmi cap List DCMI Capabilities Info. -dcmi power Get DCMI power reading. -dcmi ctl [value] Get/Set DCMI management controller ID string. -mel download <file> Download BMC maintenance event log to a file. -mel clear Clear BMC maintenance event log.
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Windows\64bit>IPMICFG-Win.exe -user list Maximum number of Users : 10 Count of currently enabled Users : 2 User ID | User Name | Privilege Level | Enable ------- | --------- | --------------- | ------ 2 | ADMIN | Administrator | Yes
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Windows\64bit>IPMICFG-Win.exe -user setpwd 2 <newpassword> Done.
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发表于 2021-08-11 下午 12:06:35
发表于 2021-08-11 下午 12:07:58
X9DR3-LN4F+ 主板 需要重置IPMI密码
发表于 2021-08-11 下午 12:12:24
发表于 2022-09-20 上午 10:00:19
能帮忙指导一下吗 我也是买了一个二手的搞不了密码